卡塔尔商务部长强调支持阿拉伯私营部门倡议,并宣布到2030年投资100B美元。 Qatar's Minister of Commerce emphasized support for Arab private sector initiatives and announced a $100B investment by 2030.
在多哈举行的阿拉伯商会联盟理事会第135届会议上,卡塔尔商务部长谢赫穆罕默德·本·哈马德·本·卡西姆·阿勒萨尼强调支持加强阿拉伯私营部门全球地位的倡议。 At the 135th session of the Council of the Union of Arab Chambers in Doha, Qatar's Minister of Commerce, Sheikh Mohammed bin Hamad bin Qassim Al-Thani, emphasized support for initiatives enhancing the Arab private sector's global standing. 他强调了本区域的财富以及经济一体化和可持续发展的潜力。 He highlighted the region's wealth and potential for economic integration and sustainable development. 卡塔尔计划到2030年为其经济投资1 000亿美元,重点是低碳和可再生能源,同时改善基础设施和商业条件。 Qatar plans to invest $100 billion in its economy by 2030, focusing on low-carbon and renewable energy, while improving infrastructure and business conditions.