Keir Starmer计划任命前助手Sue Gray和其他劳工议员到上议院任职。 Keir Starmer plans to appoint former aide Sue Gray and other Labour MPs to the House of Lords.
据报告,Keir Starmer在离开唐宁街后,正计划任命前上议院高级助手Sue Gray到上议院任职。 Keir Starmer is reportedly planning to appoint former top aide Sue Gray to the House of Lords, following her departure from Downing Street. 格雷曾担任首相幕僚长,是被考虑成为贵族的几位前工党议员之一,包括林恩·布朗(Lyn Brown)、朱莉·埃利奥特(Julie Elliott)和凯文·布伦南(Kevin Brennan)。 Gray, who previously served as the Prime Minister's chief of staff, is among several former Labour MPs being considered for peerages, including Lyn Brown, Julie Elliott, and Kevin Brennan. 这些任命旨在奖励党的退伍军人,并将新的人才带入共和党。 These appointments aim to reward party veterans and bring new talent into the Commons.