由于成本和政策优势,印度在“中国加一”战略中落后于东南亚国家。 India lagging in "China Plus One" strategy as Southeast Asian nations outshine due to cost and policy advantages.
最近一份NITI Aayog报告指出,印度在努力利用“中国加一”战略,越南、泰国、柬埔寨和马来西亚等国家由于廉价劳动力、简化税法和积极的贸易政策,表现优于印度。 A recent NITI Aayog report indicates that India has struggled to capitalize on the "China Plus One" strategy, with countries like Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, and Malaysia outperforming India due to cheaper labor, simplified tax laws, and proactive trade policies. 虽然印度仍然是高技术工业的有吸引力的目的地,但它需要改善其商业和制造能力的便利程度,以便更好地竞争。 While India remains an attractive destination for high-tech industries, it needs to improve its ease of doing business and manufacturing capabilities to better compete. 报告还强调了欧盟碳边界调整机制对印度出口的潜在影响,这可能增加成本,降低在欧盟市场的竞争力。 The report also highlights the potential impact of the EU's Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism on India's exports, which could increase costs and reduce competitiveness in the EU market.