世界银行报告说,随着竞争者的增加,印度劳力密集型出口损失了。 World Bank reports India's losses in labor-intensive exports, as competitors gain.
世界银行报告说,过去十年来,印度与出口相关的工作减少,因为该国错过了中国退出劳动密集型制造业部门的机会。 The World Bank reports a decline in India's export-linked jobs over the past decade, as the country misses opportunities arising from China's exit from labor-intensive manufacturing sectors. 印度在全球纺织品和服装出口中所占的份额有所下降,而孟加拉国和越南等竞争者则增加了。 India's share in global exports of textiles and apparel has fallen, while competitors like Bangladesh and Vietnam have gained. 为了振兴出口和创造就业,世界银行建议融入全球价值链,实现出口多样化,减少贸易壁垒。 To revitalize exports and create jobs, the Bank recommends integrating into global value chains, diversifying exports, and reducing trade barriers. 印度的货物和服务出口总额在2024财政年度超过7 760亿美元。 India's total goods and services exports exceeded $776 billion in FY 2024.