I-95's Piscataqua River Bridge 星期二因心理健康危机事件关闭后重新开放。 I-95's Piscataqua River Bridge reopened Tuesday after a closure due to a mental health crisis incident.
新罕布什尔州和缅因州间95号Piscataqua河大桥连接新罕布什尔州和缅因州,在因个人经历心理健康危机而关闭两小时之后,星期二重新开放。 The Piscataqua River Bridge on Interstate 95, connecting New Hampshire and Maine, reopened Tuesday after a two-hour closure due to an individual experiencing a mental health crisis. 两个州的警察都协助了这一事件,其中包括谈判和逮捕该人,然后将该人送往医院。 Police from both states assisted in the incident, which involved negotiations and the arrest of the person, who was then taken to a hospital. 该桥每天约有70 000至80 000辆车,在8月发生致命枪击事件后曾关闭。 The bridge, seeing around 70,000 to 80,000 vehicles daily, had previously closed in August following a fatal shooting incident.