MnDOT重新开放52号公路,在为期3年的改造项目的一部分,在关闭5天后,在I-90交汇处重新开放。 MnDOT reopened Highway 52 at I-90 interchange after a five-day closure for culvert replacement, part of a three-year revamp project.
明尼苏达交通部(MnDOT)于8月10日在罗切斯特东南I-90交汇处重新开放52号公路, The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) reopened Highway 52 at the I-90 interchange southeast of Rochester on August 10 after a five-day closure for culvert replacement. 此次关闭是7月15日开始的为期三年的项目的一部分,该项目旨在改造立交桥,包括更换桥梁、建造新的坡道、重建坡道和环路以及更换涵洞。 The closure is part of a three-year project, starting July 15, to revamp the interchange, which includes replacing bridges, constructing a new ramp, reconstructing ramps and loops, and replacing culverts. 该项目旨在改善安全,增加交通流量,减少繁忙交接的延误。 The project aims to improve safety, increase traffic flow, and reduce delays at the busy interchange.