缅因州Brewer的395号州际公路向西行驶,由于一座桥上的黑冰坠落而关闭。 Interstate 395 westbound in Brewer, Maine, closed due to crashes from black ice on a bridge.
缅因州布鲁尔市的 395 号州际公路西行已关闭,原因是退伍军人纪念桥上的黑冰造成多起车祸。 Interstate 395 westbound in Brewer, Maine, has been closed due to multiple crashes caused by black ice on the Veterans Remembrance Bridge. 缅因州公共安全部建议司机寻求其他路线,因为坡道上和坡道外的交通备份。 The Maine Department of Public Safety has advised drivers to seek alternate routes due to traffic backups near the on and off ramps. 坠机事件的细节仍然不清楚,情况正在调查之中。 Details about the crashes remain unclear, and the situation is under investigation.