8岁的警察在NH-ME I-95桥发生枪击事件后,在嫌疑人的汽车中被发现死亡。 8-year-old found dead in suspect's car after officer-involved shooting on NH-ME I-95 bridge.
8岁儿童在新罕布什尔-梅恩I-95桥被警察打死的男子车上被发现死亡。 8-year-old child found dead in vehicle of man killed by police on New Hampshire-Maine I-95 bridge. 一名男子涉嫌在新罕布什尔州特洛伊杀害一名妇女,在连接州与缅因州的Piscataqua河大桥上被警察打死。 A man suspected of killing a woman in Troy, New Hampshire was fatally shot by police on the Piscataqua River Bridge, which connects the state to Maine. 8岁的孩子被发现死在男子的车里。 The 8-year-old child was found dead in the man's car. 桥梁关闭约7小时,造成交通积压。 The bridge was closed for about seven hours, causing traffic backlogs. 缅因州总检察长办公室正在调查涉及军官的枪击事件。 The Maine Attorney General's Office is investigating the officer-involved shooting incident.