林业发展局的GRAS规则允许公司自行宣布食品成分安全,这引起了安全关切。 FDA's GRAS rule lets companies self-declare food ingredient safety, sparking safety concerns.
FDA的GRAS规则让食品公司在未经FDA审查的情况下决定新成分是否安全,这引起对食品中有害化学品的担忧。 The FDA's GRAS rule lets food companies decide if new ingredients are safe without FDA review, raising concerns about harmful chemicals in food. 批评者认为这个制度把添加剂视为“在被证明有罪之前是无辜的”, 允许公司在未经彻底安全检查的情况下添加潜在的危险物质。 Critics argue this system, which treats additives as "innocent until proven guilty," allows companies to add potentially dangerous substances without thorough safety checks. FDA 表示,由于法律限制,它无法更改此系统。 The FDA says it cannot change this system due to legal restrictions.