澳大利亚警方从一辆丰田Corolla汽车上缴获2 000万澳元的毒品;司机在州边境附近被捕。 Australian police seized $20M in drugs from a Toyota Corolla; driver arrested near state border.
澳大利亚警方发现价值近200万美元的毒品, 包括25公斤甲基和10公斤带着普京图像的可卡因, Australian police found nearly $20 million worth of drugs, including 25kg of methamphetamine and 10kg of cocaine with Putin's image, hidden in a Toyota Corolla's door cavities near the NSW-Victoria border. 这名26岁的司机被捕,被指控犯有重大毒品罪,被拒绝保释,并计划出庭。 The 26-year-old driver was arrested and charged with major drug offenses, denied bail, and scheduled to appear in court.