俄罗斯缉获了价值超过 130 亿卢布的可卡因。 Russia seizes over 13 billion rubles worth of cocaine.
俄罗斯海关官员从一批来自比利时的咖啡中没收了超过 1.2 吨可卡因,这是当局本月第二次阻止大量可卡因运入该国。 Russian customs officials have confiscated over 1.2 metric tons of cocaine from a shipment of coffee from Belgium, marking the second time this month that authorities have prevented a large cocaine shipment into the country. 这些毒品是在安特卫普的一个咖啡容器中发现的,这些毒品的黑市价值超过 130 亿卢布(1.469 亿美元)。 The drugs were found in a container of coffee from Antwerp, with the black-market value of the narcotics at over 13 billion rubles ($146.9 million).