在澳大利亚的瑞士男子被指控涉嫌进口价值8M美元、藏在行李中的可卡因。 Swiss man charged in Australia for allegedly importing $8M worth of cocaine hidden in luggage.
一名21岁的瑞士男子Reda Raghay在墨尔本被指控进口价值800万美元的可卡因,在从洛杉矶抵达时藏在他的行李中。 A 21-year-old Swiss man, Reda Raghay, was charged in Melbourne for allegedly importing $8 million worth of cocaine, found hidden in his luggage upon arrival from Los Angeles. 澳大利亚边防部队在行李检查中发现20个黑塑料袋中的25公斤可卡因。 The Australian Border Force discovered 25kg of cocaine in 20 black plastic bags during a baggage check. Raghay面临拥有和进口的指控,下次出庭时间定于3月31日。 Raghay faces possession and importation charges, with his next court appearance set for March 31.