美国男子因试图在卫生间走私价值880,000美元的可卡因在澳大利亚被捕。 U.S. man arrested in Australia for trying to smuggle $880,000 worth of cocaine in toiletries.
澳大利亚当局12月26日在布里斯班机场逮捕了一名33岁的美国男子,当时嗅探犬发现有2.2公斤可卡因藏在洗发水和调制瓶中,价值880 000美元。 Australian authorities arrested a 33-year-old US man at Brisbane Airport on December 26 after sniffer dogs detected 2.2 kilograms of cocaine hidden in shampoo and conditioner bottles, valued at $880,000. 该名男子面临进口边境管制毒品的一例罪状,定于1月17日出庭。 The man faces one count of importing a border-controlled drug and is set to appear in court on January 17. 澳大利亚联邦警察强调,他们致力于防止非法毒品进入本国并造成伤害。 Australian Federal Police emphasize their commitment to preventing illicit drugs from entering the country and causing harm.