因飓风海伦而流离失所的Asheville家庭在马萨诸塞州学校为孙子找到了支持。 Asheville family, displaced by Hurricane Helene, finds support for grandson at Massachusetts school.
一个来自北卡罗来纳州Asheville的家庭,因飓风海伦流离失所,在马萨诸塞州Montague的Sheffield小学为他们的9岁孙子杰克找到了支持。 A family from Asheville, North Carolina, displaced by Hurricane Helene, found support at Sheffield Elementary in Montague, Massachusetts, for their 9-year-old grandson, Jack. 学校工作人员,包括副校长Kristen Detiz和老师Shelly Thurston, 热烈欢迎Jack, 带Jack四处参观, 介绍他从事诸如售书机之类的活动。 The school’s staff, including Vice Principal Kristen Dietz and teacher Shelly Thurston, warmly welcomed Jack, showing him around and introducing him to activities like the book vending machine. 家人对学校在充满挑战的时期所表现的善意深表感谢,并计划让Jack通过写信与同学们保持联系。 The family expresses deep gratitude for the school’s kindness during their challenging time, with plans for Jack to stay in touch with his classmates through letter writing.