普利策奖入围调查结果引发变革后,亚特兰大一个家庭的孩子们(其中包括一名唐氏综合症患者)终于入学,四个月的挣扎终于结束。 4-month struggle ends as Atlanta family's children, including one with Down syndrome, enroll in school after Pulitzer Prize-finalist investigation sparks changes.
美联社报道了亚特兰大一个家庭为让孩子入学而苦苦挣扎的事件,四个月后,所有孩子上个月都返校上课了。 4 months after the Associated Press wrote about an Atlanta family struggling to enroll their children in school, all the kids returned to class last month. 最小的孩子是一个 8 岁的女孩,以前从未上过学,但上学第一天,邻居们就热情迎接她并护送她到公交车站。 The youngest child, an 8-year-old girl, had never attended school before, but she was greeted by neighbors who escorted her to the bus stop on her first day. 普利策奖决赛入围者的调查引发了变化,最后一名患有唐氏综合症的孩子已于上周二开始上学。 The Pulitzer Prize-finalist investigation sparked changes, and the final child, a student with Down syndrome, started school last Tuesday.