Unicoi High School 在飓风 Helene 影响社区后领导恢复工作。 Unicoi High School leads recovery efforts after Hurricane Helene impacts the community.
Unicoi高中在海伦飓风影响后带头开展恢复工作。 Unicoi High School is spearheading recovery efforts following the impact of Hurricane Helene. 学校发起了各种方案和倡议,支持社区在暴风雨破坏后重建和恢复正常。 The school has initiated various programs and initiatives to support the community in rebuilding and restoring normalcy after the storm's devastation. 重点是向受影响者提供援助和资源,强调面对挑战时的团结和复原力。 The focus is on providing assistance and resources to those affected, emphasizing unity and resilience in the face of challenges.