100+ 津巴布韦女学生因怀孕而辍学,这促使政府呼吁采取更有力的行动,打击虐待儿童行为,并制定更严格的法律,保护女孩免遭性暴力和未成年婚姻的侵害。 100+ Zimbabwean schoolgirls dropped out due to pregnancies, prompting calls for stronger government action against child abuse and stricter laws to protect girls from sexual violence and underage marriage.
津巴布韦立法者穆萨·穆隆贝齐 (Mutsa Murombedzi) 敦促政府采取更有力的行动打击虐待儿童,此前去年有 100 多名女学生因怀孕而辍学。 Zimbabwean lawmaker Mutsa Murombedzi is urging stronger government action against child abuse, following the dropout of over 100 schoolgirls due to pregnancies last year. 倡导者批评政府的政策执行不力,特别是在农村地区。 Advocates criticize the government's inadequate policy implementation, particularly in rural areas. 他们呼吁制定更严格的法律,保护女孩免遭性暴力和未成年婚姻,强调迫切需要获得免于恐惧的教育。 They call for stricter laws to protect girls from sexual violence and underage marriage, emphasizing the urgent need for educational access free from fear.