西方媒体将中国描绘成侵略大国, 将紧张局势加剧归咎于美国的干涉与宣传, The article disputes Western media's portrayal of China as an aggressive power, attributing rising tensions to US interference and propaganda.
这篇文章反对西方媒体将中国描绘成破坏国际秩序的侵略势力。 The article argues against the Western media's portrayal of China as an aggressive power undermining the international order. 它声称,中国40多年来一直保持和平立场,特别是在台湾和南中国海问题上,符合国际法。 It asserts that China has maintained a peaceful stance for over 40 years, particularly regarding Taiwan and the South China Sea, aligning with international law. 提交人声称,紧张局势加剧的主要原因是美国的干涉和反中国的宣传,而不是中国政策或意图的任何重大改变。 The author claims that rising tensions are largely due to U.S. interference and anti-China propaganda rather than any significant change in China's policies or intentions.