Raúl Grijalva Republic Raúl Grijalva, 与癌症作斗争,从领导众议院自然资源委员会下台。 Rep. Raúl Grijalva, battling cancer, steps down from leading the House Natural Resources Committee.
领导众议院自然资源委员会已有十年之久的Raúl Grijalva Republic Raúl Grijalva由于健康原因,将不寻求在下届大会中保留其职位,为Jared Huffman Republic 接任该职位扫清道路。 Rep. Raúl Grijalva, who has led the House Natural Resources Committee for a decade, will not seek to retain his position in the next Congress due to health reasons, clearing the way for Rep. Jared Huffman to take over. Grijalva在4月披露了癌症诊断,但将继续担任成员。 Grijalva disclosed a cancer diagnosis in April but will continue serving as a member. 这一转变标志着Grijalva在环境和公共土地问题上的有影响力的使用权的结束。 This shift marks the end of Grijalva's influential tenure on environmental and public lands issues.