警察在悉尼开展了一项重大行动,根据火器禁令,将一名男子从家中带走。 Police carried out a major operation in Sydney, removing a man from a home under a firearms ban.
警方在悉尼富裕的莫斯曼郊区进行了一次重大行动,关闭了阿尔贝王子街,进入布埃纳餐厅附近的一所住宅。 Police conducted a major operation in Sydney's affluent Mosman suburb, closing off Prince Albert Street and entering a home near The Buena restaurant. 战术军官配有高功率步枪,在执行禁止火器令后迅速将一名男子从财产中带走。 Tactical officers, equipped with high-powered rifles, swiftly removed a man from the property after executing a firearms prohibition order. 尽管开展了行动,但警方向社区保证没有威胁,并建议居民暂时避开该地区。 Despite the operation, police have assured the community there is no threat and advised residents to avoid the area temporarily.