悉尼家庭入侵失败后,警察追逐武装人员;一名被捕,一名在逃。 Police chase after armed men following failed Sydney home invasion; one arrested, one at large.
警方正在悉尼西南部进行一项重大行动 在有人企图入侵后 Police are conducting a major operation in Sydney's southwest after an attempted home invasion. 据信两名男子携带武器,星期二清晨试图闯入Edensor公园的一所房屋。 Two men, believed to be armed, tried to break into a home in Edensor Park early Tuesday morning. 他们乘一辆现代轿车逃离,导致警察追赶和在圣安德鲁斯路坠毁。 They fled in a Hyundai sedan, leading to a police pursuit and crash on St Andrews Road. 一名20岁的孩子被捕,但他的乘客逃脱了。 A 20-year-old was arrested, but his passenger escaped. 当局正在搜寻逃犯,当地居民已被告知要避开该地区。 Authorities are searching for the fugitive, and local residents have been advised to avoid the area.