由于费用昂贵的升级,Pluckers Wing Bar关闭了它的两个Baton Rouge地点达21年之久。 Pluckers Wing Bar closed its two Baton Rouge locations after 21 years due to costly upgrades.
由于所需升级费用高昂,Pluckers Wing Bar关闭了Baton Rouge的两个地点已达21年之久。 Pluckers Wing Bar has closed both of its Baton Rouge locations after 21 years due to the high costs of required upgrades. 尽管关闭,公司仍对今后的扩张持乐观态度。 Despite the closures, the company remains optimistic about future expansion. 这些餐厅以其流行的翅膀口味而闻名,是该地区唯一的特许经营地点,并因拥有巴顿鲁日最好的翅膀而获得称赞. The restaurants, known for their popular wing flavors, were the only franchised locations in the area and had earned accolades for having the Best Wings in Baton Rouge. 雇员领到离职金。 Employees received severance pay.