巴吞鲁日的德拉戈海产食品餐厅 将于一月底关闭 计划新的地点 Drago's Seafood Restaurant in Baton Rouge to close by January end, plans new location.
德拉戈在巴顿鲁日的海鲜餐厅将在1月底关闭, Drago's Seafood Restaurant in Baton Rouge will close by the end of January after losing its lease. 这家餐厅以烧焦牡蛎和炸鳄鱼咬等菜菜闻名, 计划在城市内一个新地点重新开放, The restaurant, known for dishes like charbroiled oysters and fried gator bites, plans to reopen in a new location within the city, though the exact site is still under negotiation. 预计不久将有更多更新。 More updates are expected soon.