Melt Bar和Griilled面临财政困难, 将会永久关闭, 业主Matt Fish说。 Melt Bar and Grilled, facing financial troubles, will permanently close, owner Matt Fish says.
Melt Bar和Griilled是一家一度流行的连锁餐厅,在面临财政困难,包括过去数年的多次破产和关闭之后,它们正在永久关闭。 Melt Bar and Grilled, a once-popular restaurant chain, is closing permanently after facing financial difficulties, including multiple bankruptcies and closures over the past years. 拥有者Matt Fish感谢客人和工作人员的支持,对于他在这项事业上取得的成就没有任何遗憾。 Owner Matt Fish thanked guests and staff for their support and has no regrets about his accomplishments with the business. 确切的关闭日期尚未确定,但Fish计划请假和与家人共度时间。 The exact closure date has not been set, but Fish plans to take time off and spend time with his family.