官员警告在节日期间发生慈善骗局,敦促捐赠者核实慈善机构以避免欺诈。 Officials warn of charity scams during holidays, urging donors to verify charities to avoid fraud.
国家官员警告居民在节日期间向慈善机构捐赠时要谨慎,特别是周二。 State officials are warning residents to be cautious when donating to charities during the holiday season, especially on Giving Tuesday. 骗子们常常假装是合法的慈善机构, 伤害捐赠者和真正的组织. Scammers often impersonate legitimate charities, causing harm to both donors and genuine organizations. 为了避免骗局,捐助者应通过国务院数据库、国税局免税地位和慈善导航等组织的评级核实慈善机构。 To avoid scams, donors should verify charities through the Department of State's database, IRS tax-exempt status, and ratings from organizations like Charity Navigator. 避免高压策略、通过电汇或礼品卡提供捐款、以及未经请求的电话或电子邮件。 Avoid high-pressure tactics, donations via wire transfer or gift cards, and unsolicited calls or emails.