在假日购物期间, 梅塔在 Facebook,Instagram 和 WhatsApp 上发起全球反骗局活动. Meta launches global anti-scam campaign on Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp amid holiday shopping.
Meta以Facebook、Instagram和WhatsApp等平台为目标, 发起全球运动, 保护用户在假日购物季节免受网络骗局的侵害。 Meta has launched a global campaign to protect users from online scams during the holiday shopping season, targeting platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp. 该公司删除了全球超过200万个与骗局有关的账户和24 000个网上网址。 The company has removed over two million scam-related accounts and 24,000 phishing URLs worldwide. Meta查明了三大骗局:假圣诞礼品盒、假假日装饰和假券。 Meta identified three major scams: fake Christmas gift boxes, fraudulent holiday decorations, and counterfeit coupons. 该运动包括新的安全工具、警告以及与网络安全公司和银行的伙伴关系,以分享关于潜在骗局的信息。 The campaign includes new safety tools, warnings, and partnerships with cybersecurity firms and banks to share information on potential scams.