老年人被警告假日诈骗耗资超过3.4B美元;专家指南提供保护提示。 Seniors warned of holiday scams costing over $3.4B; expert guide offers protection tips.
老年人被警告在线诈骗越来越多,尤其是在假期期间,欺诈损失超过 34 亿美元。 Seniors are warned about increasing online scams, especially during the holiday season, with fraud losses exceeding $3.4 billion. 通常的策略包括钓鱼电子邮件、祖父母骗局和假慈善请求。 Common tactics include phishing emails, grandparent scams, and fake charity requests. 金融专家Andy LaPointe的新指南“Senior Savvy”, 为识别和避免各种骗局提供建议, 强调软件更新、强有力的密码以及向当局报告可疑活动的重要性。 A new guide, "Senior Savvy," by financial expert Andy LaPointe, advises on recognizing and avoiding various scams, emphasizing the importance of software updates, strong passwords, and reporting suspicious activities to authorities.