前国会大厦警察哈利·邓恩宣布竞选马里兰州国会议员。 Former Capitol Police officer Harry Dunn announces Congressional bid in Maryland.
1 月 6 日向众议院特别委员会作证的前美国国会警察哈利·邓恩 (Harry Dunn) 正在竞选马里兰州第三国会选区。 Former US Capitol Police Officer Harry Dunn, who testified to the House January 6 select committee, is running for Maryland's 3rd Congressional District. 邓恩目睹了 1 月 6 日的袭击事件,并向众议院 1 月 6 日特别委员会作证,他是少数公开谈论他和其他执法人员所经历的暴力事件的警官之一。 Dunn, who witnessed the January 6 attack and testified to the House January 6 select committee, is one of a few officers who have publicly spoken out about the violence he and other law enforcement members experienced.