爱尔兰开发商Seán Dunne因法律程序缺陷未能将破产受托人撤职。 Irish developer Seán Dunne fails to oust his bankruptcy trustees due to legal procedural flaws.
由于程序上的缺陷,高等法院驳回了爱尔兰房地产开发商Sán Dunne对他的破产托管人任命的质疑。 Irish property developer Seán Dunne's challenge to the appointments of his bankruptcy trustees was dismissed by the High Court due to procedural flaws. Dunne于2013年宣布破产,欠债7.0亿欧元,试图赶走这些官员,但没有遵循正确的法律程序。 Dunne, declared bankrupt in 2013 and owing €700 million, sought to dislodge these officials but failed to follow the correct legal process. 法官批评Dunne的做法和程序错误,将他的破产延长到2028年,原因是他不合作和没有披露资产。 The judge criticized Dunne's approach and procedural errors, extending his bankruptcy until 2028 due to his non-cooperation and lack of asset disclosure.