2013年破产开发商Sean Dunne质疑爱尔兰破产官员的合法性。 2013 bankrupt developer Sean Dunne challenges legitimacy of Irish bankruptcy officials.
破产开发商Sean Dunne声称,监督其破产的两名爱尔兰官员从未获得有效任命。 Bankrupt developer Sean Dunne claims that two Irish officials overseeing his bankruptcy were never validly appointed. Dunne于2013年被宣布破产,现在正在寻求法院发布宣告性命令,声称现任破产官方受托人Michael Ian Larkin和退休官员Chris Lehane没有被适当任命担任其职务。 Dunne, who was declared bankrupt in 2013, is now seeking declaratory orders from the court, claiming that current Official Assignee in Bankruptcy, Michael Ian Larkin, and retired official Chris Lehane, were not properly appointed to their roles. 此事已推迟到9月进一步审议。 The matter has been adjourned to September for further consideration.