新西兰卫生部将赤字缩小至1.1B,在政府资金增加的情况下计划削减。 Health New Zealand narrows deficit to $1.1B, plans cuts amid increased government funding.
新西兰卫生部(HNZ)正在从金融危机中复苏方面取得进展,其2024/25年预算赤字现为11亿美元,低于17.6亿美元的预测。 Health New Zealand (HNZ) is making progress in recovering from a financial crisis, with its budget deficit for 2024/25 now at $1.1 billion, down from a forecast $1.76 billion. 政府把每年的保健支出增加到300亿美元,其中大部分用于HNZ。 The government has increased annual health spending to $30 billion, with most going to HNZ. 为了在2026/27年之前恢复预算,HNZ计划削减1500个职位,主要在非临床领域. To return to budget by 2026/27, HNZ plans to cut 1,500 roles, mostly in non-clinical areas. 尽管面临财政挑战,但新西兰医院治疗了更多的病人,并对设施和设备进行了投资。 Despite financial challenges, HNZ treated more patients and invested in facilities and equipment. 政府还资助50名新的高级医生和其他保健专业人员,以减少等候时间,加强病人的护理。 The government is also funding 50 new senior doctors and other health professionals to reduce wait times and enhance patient care.