由于支出增加、等待时间延长以及人员短缺,新西兰的医疗保健工作面临压力;批评者认为资金不足是主要问题。 New Zealand's healthcare faces strain due to increased spending, longer wait times, and staff shortages; critics argue underfunding is the main issue.
由于开支增加、等待时间延长和人员短缺,新西兰的保健系统受到压力。 New Zealand's healthcare system is under strain due to increased spending, longer waiting times, and staff shortages. 政府任命了一位专员来削减开支, 但批评者认为主要问题是历史和目前资金不足。 The government has appointed a commissioner to reduce spending, but critics argue that the main issue is historical and current underfunding. 新西兰在卫生方面的开支大大低于澳大利亚和加拿大等对口机构,这导致工作人员短缺和两级卫生系统。 New Zealand spends significantly less on health than its counterparts, Australia and Canada, leading to staff shortages and a two-tiered health system. 为了应对卫生系统的挑战,而不是侧重于削减开支,需要对劳动力进行适当的供资和投资。 A proper funding and investment in the workforce are required to address the health system's challenges rather than focusing on reducing spending.