新西兰卫生系统面临巨大赤字,引发了关于资金和人员削减的辩论。 New Zealand's health system faces a massive deficit, sparking a debate over funding and staffing cuts.
新西兰卫生面临重大金融危机,2023-24年赤字7.22亿美元,预计今年损失11亿美元。 Health New Zealand faces a significant financial crisis with a $722 million deficit for 2023-24 and a projected $1.1 billion loss for the current year. 卫生专员莱斯特·利维认为这是超支造成的,但卫生工作者和工会认为,这是因为资金不足和削减成本措施使情况更加恶化。 Health commissioner Lester Levy attributes this to overspending, but health workers and unions argue it's due to underfunding and cost-cutting measures that are making the situation worse. 争议包括对所报告的赤字数字的准确性以及对人员配置和服务的影响的关切。 The controversy includes concerns over the accuracy of the reported deficit figures and the impact on staffing and services.