法院恢复了Idaho法, 惩罚未成年人在州外堕胎援助, 但阻止招募禁令。 Court revives Idaho law penalizing minors' out-of-state abortion aid, but blocks recruiting ban.
第九巡回上诉法院部分恢复了Idaho的“堕胎贩运”法, 允许对在未经父母同意的情况下运送或窝藏未成年人寻求国外堕胎的人实施执法。 The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has partially reinstated Idaho's "abortion trafficking" law, allowing enforcement against those who transport or harbor minors seeking out-of-state abortions without parental consent. 然而,法院以《第一修正案》的潜在关切为由,阻止了该法的“招聘”规定。 However, the court blocked the law's "recruiting" provision, citing potential First Amendment concerns. 该法于2023年通过,受到堕胎权利团体的质疑,旨在惩罚那些协助未成年人堕胎的人,最高可判处五年监禁。 Passed in 2023, the law, challenged by abortion rights groups, aims to penalize those aiding minors in obtaining abortions, with up to five years in prison.