阿拉巴马州众议院法案 HB 378 提议将未经父母同意帮助 18 岁以下未成年人堕胎定为 A 级轻罪,最高可判处一年监禁并引发父母诉讼。 Alabama House bill HB 378 proposes a Class A misdemeanor for helping a minor under 18 get an abortion without parental consent, with up to a year in jail and parental lawsuits.
由众议员马克·吉德利 (Mark Gidley) 发起的阿拉巴马州众议院法案 HB 378 建议将任何在未通知父母或监护人的情况下帮助 18 岁以下未成年人堕胎的人定为 A 级轻罪。 Alabama House bill HB 378, sponsored by Rep. Mark Gidley, proposes to make it a Class A misdemeanor for anyone who helps a minor under 18 get an abortion without informing their parents or guardians. 这种犯罪行为将被判处最高一年的监禁,并且父母有权提起诉讼。 This crime would be punishable by up to a year in jail, and parents would have the right to sue. 该法案目前正在审查中,预计在进一步讨论之前会发生变化。 The bill is currently being reviewed and changes are expected before it is discussed further.