爱达荷州反堕胎组织提交 4 项倡议,以恢复 2026 年中期投票的堕胎机会。 Idaho anti-abortion group submits 4 initiatives to restore abortion access for 2026 midterm vote.
爱达荷州妇女和家庭联合会提交了四项旨在恢复爱达荷州堕胎机会的倡议提案,爱达荷州目前几乎完全禁止堕胎程序。 Idahoans United for Women and Families has submitted four initiative proposals aimed at restoring abortion access in Idaho, which currently has a near-total ban on the procedure. 该小组包括居民和医疗专业人员,正在努力在收集签名之前选定一个提案供批准。 The group, which includes residents and medical professionals, is working to select one proposal for approval before gathering signatures. 选定的提案将在就最佳行动方案作出最后决定之前提交国务卿和总检察长。 The chosen proposal will be presented to the secretary of state and attorney general before a final decision is made on the best course of action. 这项措施的成功通过将需要2026年中期选举的简单多数选民。 The successful passage of the measure would require a simple majority of voters in the 2026 midterm election.