比利时法院下令对刚果殖民时期被迫与黑人母亲分离的妇女给予赔偿。 Belgian court orders reparations for women forcibly separated from Black mothers during Congo colonization.
比利时法院命令政府赔偿5名混合种族妇女,她们在比利时在刚果殖民统治期间被迫与黑人母亲分离。 A Belgian court ordered the government to pay reparations to five mixed-race women who were forcibly separated from their Black mothers during Belgium's colonial rule in Congo. 这些妇女现年70多岁,年幼时就被从家里带走,安置在天主教孤儿院。 The women, now in their 70s, were taken from their families as young children and placed in Catholic orphanages. 法院裁定,比利时的行为构成危害人类罪,命令向每名妇女赔偿50 000欧元,以补偿她们所遭受的精神损害。 The court ruled that Belgium's actions amounted to a crime against humanity, ordering €50,000 in compensation for each woman for the moral damage they suffered. 这是处理殖民化期间实施的此类行为的第一起案例。 This is the first case to address such acts committed during colonization.