格鲁吉亚当局发现一个「人类农场」剥削泰国妇女, Georgian authorities uncovered a "human farm" exploiting Thai women for forced egg harvesting.
来自泰国的妇女受到工作承诺的诱惑, 在格鲁吉亚被发现被奴役, 她们在那里被迫采摘鸡蛋, 媒体称之为「人类农场」。 Women from Thailand, lured by job promises, were found enslaved in Georgia, where they were subjected to forced egg harvesting in what media termed a "human farm." 格鲁吉亚当局正在调查这一被称为“黑手党”的黑市行动,它剥削和不人道地对待受害者。 Georgian authorities are investigating this black market operation, described as an "egg mafia," which exploited and inhumanely treated the victims. 获救妇女约有100人,没有领到报酬,她们因自由而面临勒索。 The rescued women, numbering around 100, were not paid and faced extortion for their freedom.