肯尼亚律师协助双种族儿童在身份危机中寻求英国父亲和公民身份。 Kenyan lawyer aids biracial children seeking British fathers, citizenship amid identity crises.
肯尼亚的双种族儿童是英国士兵和肯尼亚妇女所生,他们正面临身份危机和社会排斥。 Biracial children in Kenya, born to British soldiers and Kenyan women, are facing identity crises and social exclusion. 肯尼亚律师Kelvin Kubai正在帮助10名这样的儿童寻找他们的英国父亲,可能还有英国公民身份。 Kenyan lawyer Kelvin Kubai is helping 10 such children seek their British fathers and possibly British citizenship. 人权团体记录了1983年至2003年期间在肯尼亚发生的200多起涉及英国军队的强奸案件。 Human rights groups have documented over 200 rape cases involving British troops in Kenya from 1983 to 2003. 这些努力旨在解决这些儿童因其混合遗产而面临的斗争,并追究英国军方的责任。 The efforts aim to address the struggles these children face due to their mixed heritage and to hold the British military accountable.