奥克兰房地产市场11月回升,中位价超过100万美元,销售额上升。 Auckland's property market rebounds in November with median prices over $1 million, sales up.
奥克兰的房地产市场在11月出现了复苏的迹象,销售和价格上涨。 Auckland's property market showed signs of recovery in November, with sales and prices increasing. 中位销售价格在五个月中首次超过100万美元,比前一个季度增加了6.8%,而销售额上升了6%,达到1 002美元,这是八个月中首次超过1 000美元。 Median selling prices surpassed $1 million for the first time in five months, up 6.8% from the previous quarter, while sales rose 6% to 1,002, the first time over 1,000 in eight months. 促成这种增长的因素包括抵押贷款利率下降、通货膨胀下降以及经济改善。 Factors contributing to this growth include falling mortgage rates, declining inflation, and an improving economy. 尽管买方的兴趣增加,但高股票水平可能会限制今后价格的上涨。 Despite increased buyer interest, high stock levels may limit future price hikes.