瑞士检察官裁定死亡权活动家弗洛里安·威利特 (Florian Willet) 在一名美国妇女使用自杀胶囊死亡一案中无罪。 Swiss prosecutors cleared right-to-die activist Florian Willet in the death of a U.S. woman using a suicide capsule.
瑞士检察官在排除了涉及Sarco(Sarco)的“自杀胶囊”案的凶杀案后, 释放了维利特(Florian Willet)死权活动家Florian Willet(Florian Willet) 。 Swiss prosecutors have released right-to-die activist Florian Willet after ruling out homicide in a case involving a "suicide capsule" known as Sarco. 该装置由一个64岁的美国妇女使用,是一个密封室,释放气体,导致窒息致死。 The device, used by a 64-year-old U.S. woman, is a sealed chamber that releases gas, causing death by suffocation. 尽管瑞士法律允许在严格条件下协助自杀,但本案目前的重点是煽动和教唆自杀。 Though Swiss law permits assisted suicide under strict conditions, the case is now focused on charges of inciting and abetting suicide.