64 岁美国妇女在瑞士的 Sarco 豆荚死亡引发了谋杀嫌疑,停止了它的使用。 64-year-old American woman's Sarco pod death in Switzerland raises murder suspicions, halting its use.
一名64岁的美国妇女身患绝症, 成为9月23日在瑞士使用Sarco自杀舱的第一个人。 A 64-year-old American woman, terminally ill, became the first person to use the Sarco suicide pod in Switzerland on September 23. 她死于氮引起的缺氧,但当局发现她脖子上有勒死痕迹,引起谋杀嫌疑。 She died from nitrogen-induced hypoxia, but authorities found strangulation marks on her neck, raising suspicions of murder. Florian Willet博士, 最后度假胜地运营商的负责人 和其他人正在调查中 Dr. Florian Willet, head of the operator The Last Resort, and others are under investigation. 随着调查的继续,该案导致Sarco的所有使用应用暂停。 The case has led to a suspension of all Sarco usage applications as the investigation continues.