64岁的美国妇女使用“Sarco”自杀胶囊死亡,在瑞士引发了法律辩论。 64-year-old U.S. woman dies using "Sarco" suicide capsule, sparking legal debates in Switzerland.
瑞士当局正在调查“Sarco”自杀胶囊在9月23日使用后一名64岁的美国妇女死亡后首次使用。 Swiss authorities are investigating the first use of the "Sarco" suicide capsule after a 64-year-old U.S. woman died following its use on September 23. The Last Resort 的总裁弗洛里安·威利特 (Florian Willet) 被捕,促使倡导团体暂停了该设备的申请。 The president of The Last Resort, Florian Willet, was arrested, prompting advocacy groups to suspend applications for the device. 尽管瑞士有允许的协助自杀法,但这一事件引发了法律辩论。 Despite Switzerland's permissive assisted suicide laws, the incident has sparked legal debates. Sarco允许用户通过注射氮气窒息, The Sarco allows users to suffocate by injecting nitrogen gas, raising questions about its legality.