价值 100 万美元的“自杀胶囊”的创造者否认了用户死亡被勒死的说法,坚称该设备按预期工作。 Creator of $1 million "suicide capsule" denies claims of strangulation in user's death, insists device worked as intended.
“自杀胶囊”Sarco的创建者Philip Nitschke否认第一个使用者(瑞士的一名美国妇女)可能被勒死的说法。 Philip Nitschke, creator of the "suicide capsule" Sarco, has denied claims that the first user, a U.S. woman in Switzerland, may have been strangled. 该装置耗资100万美元开发,用户可以按下按钮,释放氮气,窒息致死。 The device, costing $1 million to develop, allows users to push a button that releases nitrogen gas, causing death by suffocation. Nitschke坚持该装置按预期工作,尽管瑞士检察官建议处死。 Nitschke insists the device worked as intended, though Swiss prosecutors suggest strangulation. 案件正在调查之中,瑞士法律允许在没有外部援助和没有自私动机的情况下协助自杀。 The case is under investigation, with Swiss law permitting assisted suicide if there's no external assistance and no self-serving motives.