苏格兰警方逮捕了8人 并没收了750万英镑的现金和毒品 在“Silhouette行动”。 Scottish police made 8 arrests and seized £7.5 million in cash and drugs in "Operation Silhouette."
作为“Silhouette行动”的一部分,苏格兰警方执行13项逮捕令,目标是一个新的有组织犯罪团伙。 Scottish police executed 13 warrants as part of "Operation Silhouette," targeting a new organized crime group. 逮捕了8人,18个月前行动开始以来共逮捕36人。 Eight arrests were made, with 36 total arrests since the operation began 18 months ago. 当局没收了价值600万英镑的现金和毒品150万英镑,包括可卡因和大麻。 Authorities seized £1.5 million in cash and drugs valued at £6 million, including cocaine and cannabis. 警方强调了公共合作在打击有组织犯罪方面的重要性。 Police emphasized the importance of public cooperation in combating organized crime.