在 " 莱思行动 " 中,又有5人被捕,目标是Comancheros帮派毒品供应,共逮捕31人。 Five more arrests in Operation Leith target Comancheros gang drug supply, totaling 31 arrests.
在Leith行动(Avon行动的一部分)中又逮捕了5人,目标是与Comancheros摩托车团伙有联系的毒品供应网络。 Five more individuals have been arrested in Operation Leith, a part of Operation Avon, targeting drug supply networks linked to the Comancheros motorcycle gang. 这使逮捕的总人数达到31人,罪名包括甲基苯丙胺供应和有组织犯罪犯罪。 This brings the total arrests to 31, with charges including methamphetamine supply and organized crime offenses. 警察缴获了两台自制泰瑟枪和电子设备。 Police seized two homemade tasers and electronic devices. 侦探Nicola Reeves警官说,这些行动严重中断了Invercargill和Dunedin的甲基苯丙胺供应。 Detective Inspector Nicola Reeves stated that these actions have significantly disrupted methamphetamine supply in Invercargill and Dunedin.