在10月25日的三次突袭中, 苏格兰坎伯瑙尔德警方缴获了价值超过100 000英镑的毒品, Police in Cumbernauld, Scotland, seized drugs worth over £100,000 in three raids on October 25, leading to multiple arrests.
在10月25日的三次突袭中,苏格兰坎伯瑙尔德的警察缴获了价值超过100 000英镑的毒品。 Police in Cumbernauld, Scotland, seized drugs worth over £100,000 during three raids on October 25. 第一次突袭搜查了 90,000 英镑的可卡因,并导致一名 26 岁的男子被捕。 The first raid netted £90,000 in cocaine and led to the arrest of a 26-year-old man. 后来,警察在大麻中发现了25 000英镑,逮捕了一名25岁的男子和一名23岁的妇女。 Later, officers discovered £25,000 in cannabis and arrested a 25-year-old man and a 23-year-old woman. 另外又逮捕了两人,目前正在进行调查。 Two additional arrests were made, with ongoing investigations. 约翰·洛根中士强调了公共告密在打击毒品犯罪方面的价值。 Sergeant John Logan highlighted the value of public tips in combating drug crime.