西洛西安的警察缴获了价值100万英镑的毒品和现金,在Silhouette行动中逮捕了4人。 Police in West Lothian seized £1 million worth of drugs and cash, arresting four in Operation Silhouette.
西卢西安的警察逮捕了四人,在针对有组织犯罪的行动中缴获了价值100万英镑的可卡因和80 000英镑的现金。 Police in West Lothian arrested four individuals and seized about £1 million worth of cocaine and £80,000 in cash during operations targeting organized crime. 21.5公斤毒品是苏格兰警察Silhouette行动的一部分,该行动旨在打乱严重犯罪团体和保护社区。 The 21.5kg drug haul was part of Police Scotland's Operation Silhouette, aimed at disrupting serious crime groups and protecting communities. 侦探警长Steven Elliott强调了公众支持这些努力的重要性。 Detective Superintendent Steven Elliott highlighted the importance of public support in these efforts.