因为德里空气质量差, Jamia Millia Islamia大学改用混合学习。 Jamia Millia Islamia University switches to hybrid learning due to Delhi's poor air quality.
新德里Jamia Millia Islamia大学将转而采用混合学习方式,结合在线和面对面课程,从12月2日起,由于空气质量差,学生可上到12年级。 Jamia Millia Islamia University in New Delhi will switch to hybrid learning, combining online and in-person classes, starting December 2 for students up to 12th grade due to poor air quality. 德里的空气质量恶化,AQI为283,导致德里政府暂停某些年级的体育课。 The air quality in Delhi has worsened, with an AQI of 283, leading the Delhi government to suspend physical classes for certain grades. 尽管有变化,但考试时间表保持不变。 Despite the change, exam schedules remain unchanged.