贾米亚·米利亚伊斯兰大学新设三个院系:法学、牙科科学和医学科学,使总数达到 48 个。 Jamia Millia Islamia University establishes three new departments: Law, Dental Sciences, and Medical Sciences, bringing the total to 48.
贾米亚·米利亚伊斯兰大学新设立了三个系:法律系、牙科系和医学系,使系总数达到48个。 Jamia Millia Islamia University has established three new departments: Department of Law, Department of Dental Sciences, and Department of Medical Sciences, raising the total number of departments to 48. 该大学已经开设了法律、牙科科学和医学课程,但缺乏单独的院系。 The university already offered courses in law, dental sciences, and medical sciences, but lacked separate departments. 正如 Jamia 教务长纳齐姆·贾弗里 (Nazim Jafri) 所说,新院系旨在简化课程和院系。 The new departments aim to streamline courses and departments, as stated by Jamia Registrar Nazim Jafri.